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All Songs Produced by Cameron Smith and Written by Catie Lausten


I Try Not To

John Trainum - coproducer






Jacob Grissom - coproducer



Benét Nutall (Benét) - bassist



Benét Nutall (Benét) - cowriter, coproducer, drummer, backing vocals

Stephanie Young - bassist



Sean Flanagan (The Firnats) - cowriter, guitarist

Stephanie Young - bassist


Goodnight, Goodbye

Billy Pavone - coproducer


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Bedroom pop princess; Catie Lausten has no issues sharing her weekly heartbreaks through dreamy tunes and raw ‘softgirl’ lyrics. A Richmond, Virginia based artist, Catie got started performing in the garages and basements that make up the RVA DIY scene with band 'Seaglass'.


With music inspirations Sofia Valdés, Lila Drew, Clairo, and Ingrid Michaelson; Catie holds nothing back on her catchy and colorful singles. Surrounding herself with a niche bubble of talented and like-minded artists, Catie’s passion lies in collaborating with musicians/friends such as Benét, Cameron Smith, Stephanie Young, and Abby Huston. With many upcoming releases and an EP in the works Catie Lausten is an artist to watch.

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